With numerous long running clubs across Worcestershire and Gloucestershire TJK has been teaching martial arts to 1000’s of students for over 40 years. We are excited to bring TJK’s unique combination of both reality-based self-defence and sport MMA to Tewkesbury. Our friendly and welcoming classes with a structured syllabus are perfect for everyone looking to learn martial arts, get fit and have fun. TJK is renowned for its prowess and emphasis on practical and effective self-defence. At TJK Tewkesbury we believe TJK has the most comprehensive and expansive self-defence syllabus in Martial Arts. It has been developed, updated and expanded on over 40 years of continuous development by Sensei Ross Iannoccaro, head of Taijutsu Kai. Traditional roots and Japanese lineage are highly valued and that is reflected in TJKs highest standards, professionalism and principles of respect and honour shown throughout its clubs.