Celebrating 45 years
Worcester - Gloucester - Malvern - Bromsgrove - Droitwich


Why Should I choose TJK?

TJK has been in operation for over 40 years and is held in high regard in the world of martial arts. The President is Sensei Ross Iannoccaro who holds an 8th degree black belt in Jujutsu and teaches extensively through the UK and Europe. We have traditional links with Japan through Soke Fumon Tanaka who is the current Soke or Successor of Several historical Koryu (old style) schools, which can be dated back to the 15th century. We keep up to date with the latest self defence techniques and work closely with the Police. We also offer an outstanding teaching and learning environment through which students can progress and build their fitness, confidence and self-esteem.

What does Taijutsu Kai mean?

Taijutsu (体術), literally “body technique” or “body skill”) is a Japanese blanket term for any combat skill, technique or system of martial art using body movements that are described as an empty-hand combat fighting skill. Kai ( group association )

Is Jujutsu an Effective Form of Self Defence?

Jujutsu is regarded by many as the most rounded of the martial arts as it combines: striking, throwing and ground skills. It is used extensively by the Police, Prison Service and the Armed Forces.

Is it Suitable For Children?

Jujutsu is suitable for all boys and girls aged 5 years+. All techniques are taught in a structured and well balanced manner. The heart of our teaching is self discipline. Students are encouraged & motivated to reach their potential. Pupils build their confidence, awareness to learn and are encouraged to interact within the group.

Is it Suitable For Adults?

Yes, many adults train with us, we have a more advanced syllabus for adults and run many adults classes for both men and women of all ages.

Can I Pop In And View A Class?

We actively encourage people to come and see what we do. No need to book….just turn up and we will give you a big friendly welcome.

What do I need to bring?

For your first lesson we advise you wear comfortable gym gear such as shorts and t-shirt. Bringing a bottle of water is also recommended. If you have any health concerns please inform the class sensei on arrival and bring any medication such as an inhaler if it may be needed. Please bring emergency contact info with you.

How much do lessons cost?

We endeavour to make the lessons affordable and great value for money. Our lesson prices vary slightly from club to club. Please message the Sensei at the club you are looking to attend for more information on lesson prices and they will be happy to let you know.

What Extras Will I Have To Pay For?

Our aim is to keep parent/student expenditure to a minimum. Please take the following into consideration:

Gradings (A student will usually only do 2 gradings a year)
Uniform (Gi)
Leg and hand mitts

How Do I Pay?

There are 3 ways that you can pay: cash, cheque or direct debit.

Does the Club Carry Insurance?

Yes. Both public and personal injuries for our students.

Is There A Syllabus?

We have developed a detailed and up to date syllabus for both juniors and adults. All the techniques are built upon one another and link together in a practical manner. We believe we have the most cutting edge belt system in the UK.

Can My Child Train More Than Once A Week?

We suggest that your child starts their training once a week. Once they start to move up the belts and gain confidence & knowledge they may want to increase their training.

Are There Competitions?

There are regular ‘points scoring’ competitions that allow students to practice their Jujutsu skills in a safe but challenging environment.

What is A Seminar?

Seminars are special lessons that are held locally & nationally. They take place 3 or 4 times a year and are invaluable to the students as they broaden their appreciation of all aspects of the Jujutsu art.

What Are The Qualifications Of The Instructors?

All the instructors at the club have: relevant teaching qualifications, first aid training and are CRB (police) checked.

Still unsure?

If you have any further questions that haven’t been answered here, please don’t hesitate to get in contact with us by emailing us at info@jujutsu.co.uk and we’ll be happy to help!
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