Celebrating 45 years
Worcester - Gloucester - Malvern - Bromsgrove - Droitwich

Benefits of Jujutsu for Children

‘Our Jujutsu classes will support your children in becoming confident and resilient young people. Your child/children will develop the skills to detect danger in their surroundings and defuse situations that may spiral out of control. If a situation turns physical your child will be able to access the very best skills that will move them to safety’

Here at Taijutsu Kai we teach children from 5 upwards and have a children’s specific syllabus. Every new student starts with techniques we feel (from our 40 years of experience) are most important for children to learn to stay safe. Our beginner syllabus is made up of simple, easy to learn, yet practical and effective techniques that can be used in a multitude of situations.

As well as an enjoyable leisure activity Jujutsu is an excellent and rewarding pursuit for children. The discipline required through the study of jujutsu will encourage children to become more disciplined, responsible and self-confident.

Children can acquire and improve their co-ordination, concentration, self-esteem and self-control through jujutsu. Add this to self-defence and fitness benefits and you can see why jujutsu has become so popular with children.

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We encourage every child to train at Taijutsu kai and boys, girls and all ages are always welcome. Children don’t need any special uniform or equipment to get started and we offer a free trial lesson for every child. They just need to arrive in clothes usually worn for P.E. lessons at school and they’re good to go!

We have also taught many students with disabilities and special needs, if you feel your child may be able to benefit from training Jujutsu but unsure if it is a suitable pastime for them, please don’t hesitate to contact us and we can have a chat about how we may be able to help.

Added 18 Feb 20
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